We all know that only change can happen, when you change yourself.
I like this interesting philosophy, because it's similar to what I do every day.
I believe it could be helpful and not so difficult to follow for you too.
"I've seen better days, but I've also seen worse.
I don't have everything that I want, but I do have all I need.
I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up.
My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed."
(lessons learned in life)
Exercise your right to choose
(S.Spencer, Advanced NLP Coach)
Did you know you have the right to choose? So, many of us behave as if we do not have choices in life and what is making it worse is that we do not ask questions. Especially questions that can create different perspectives or challenge conventional thinking. Just because we have been told to think in a certain way when we are young, does not mean that the thinking pattern is correct. Just because, once upon a time we had made the decision about how the world operates does not mean it is set in stone.
Life keeps on evolving, new discoveries happen daily and our environmental contexts shift continuously, and it all impacts on our internal world and how we interact with our outer world. Every one of these impacts is an opportunity; a chance and a way to step up in expanding our thinking and creating more choices in life.
Start with what you believe
So, do you want to have more choices in life? Do you want to be free of unwanted conditioning and blindly following others? Do you want to direct your life and live in a way that fits your values, philosophies and vision? If you do, as a warning, once you have started you will never go back, and it is not always smooth sailing, but richly rewarding! There are few key questions to get you started and why not go straight to the heart of many of our thinking:
For every behaviour, every feeling ask:
What do I have to believe or presuppose is true to behave, feel or say / think this way?
How do I know it is true? What else is possible?
If I choose to believe the alternative, what would I now do, say or feel?
Did you know that how you see yourself might just be the key to your personal success?
Have you checked yourself out in the mirror lately? No, not in the normal sense in front of your dresser. But in your mind, how do you look? How do you represent yourself inside?
Why is this important? Because you are communicating about who you are to you on the inside all of the time and this “Self Image” is what your unconscious sees every second, every minute, every day, even when you are a sleep and at work, to help you maintain that image. This is like a program that runs behind the things we do and think. We do not deviate from what our self image represents.
So, why not spend some time and understand how you see yourself on the inside and make necessary changes. Really ask, “is what I see on the inside matching the reality?” If not, it is time to do something about it.
…you are communicating about who you are to you on the inside all of the time, and this “Self Image” is what your unconscious sees every second, every minute, every day, even when you are asleep and at work to help you maintain that image!
How to change the destructive thinking patterns:
The first stage of changing is to recognise the problem – You will find a lot of people in life who just don’t think there is a problem so there is no need to change. If this is you then do nothing. If you want to change you must think there is a need and you will start to recognise what things need to change and it usually starts with your perception of life. Everybody’s perception of life is different, therefore everyone’s reality is different. I don’t live in the same world as you and you don’t live in the same world as me.
(Steven Aitchison)
One of theese stages say :
try to replace the bad thinking with the good thinking . This is something that you don’t do immediately. You don’t say to yourself "I’ll never be able to do that", which is your old thinking pattern, to "Oh yes I can". That won’t work immediately. You have to let the old pattern die slowly, whilst slowly introducing your new improved way of thinking.
To change it you have to:
Be aware
Slowly change and introduce a new thinking pattern
Keep working on all your destructive thinking patterns
Change your life with your new way of thinking
Recognising and changing your way of thinking can be a long process depending on what patterns of thinking you employ and how badly you want to change. People can change, do change and change for the rest of their lives, I know I have, so don’t be thinking you’ll never be able to change, you can and you will if you really want to.
The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.
(Norman Vincent Peale)
So start positive thinking and say good bye to your depress life.
Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.
Enjoy Bliss "Breathe" from Buddha Bar VII, I love this song.
In this light
In this life
In this love
All comes back to you!
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